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Rosatom wants IAEA to say out loud who is behind Kursk, Zaporozhye NPPs attacks

KALININGRAD, September 6. /TASS/. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) could not only record facts about threats to Russia’s nuclear power plants, but also name the initiators of these attacks, Rosatom CEO Alexey Likhachev said after talks with IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi.
“Of course, we would like to hear more from the IAEA than we are hearing today. Not only the fixation <…> of the damage, the reckless actions of those who attacked Russia’s nuclear plants, but also to hear the perpetrators of these threats, the initiators of these actions,” Likhachev said.
He assured that Russia will constantly and meticulously present the facts and argue with objective events all the risks to the Zaporozhye and Kursk nuclear power plants.
Likhachev also pointed out that with the IAEA’s participation, Kiev’s version that the Russian side set fire to the cooling tower of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which was hit by the Ukrainian army on August 11, was debunked. “I would like to draw the IAEA’s attention to the negative fact of the attack on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant on August 11. As you know, there was an attack on the cooling tower, and there was an attempt by the Ukrainian authorities to present it as such a self-inflicted shot, as a deliberate Russian action to damage the cooling tower of the ZNPP. Tires set on fire – there was a conversation at the level of President Zelensky. <…> In fact, and with the participation of the IAEA mission, this version was debunked,” the Rosatom CEO concluded.
The talks between Likhachev and Grossi took place in Kaliningrad. From the Russian side, they were attended by representatives of the Foreign Ministry, the Defense Ministry, Russia’s Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, the Russian National Guard and Rosatom. The main issues discussed were the safety of the Zaporozhye and Kursk nuclear power plants.
